OK.  I have a particular user who already has a windows account,
but now i'd like to be able to allow that user (username: billy)
to ssh into the domain controller (to be able to use cygwin).

What I did so far is `mkpasswd -d | grep billy >> /etc/passwd`.

Then billy tries to do `ssh host_name -l billy`, but billy gets
permission denied.

So then i thought that billy might need a new password, so i ran
`passwd billy`, and gave him a new password.  Still no luck.

This is why I was asking about documentation about creating a new
user.  Windows documentation is not enough;  this is cygwin related.

Do you have any idea about what I should try to let this user log in ?

Thanks for your time.

| On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 01:35:06PM -0500, Alex BATKO wrote:
| > 
| > Where in the documentation on the cygwin site is there information
| > about how to create a new user ?
| Nowhere.  It's in the Windows documentation.
| Corinna

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