| On Tue, Feb 12, 2002 at 01:57:48PM -0500, Alex BATKO wrote:
| > 
| > OK.  I have a particular user who already has a windows account,
| > but now i'd like to be able to allow that user (username: billy)
| > to ssh into the domain controller (to be able to use cygwin).
| > 
| This is what I do:
| #! /bin/bash
| mkpasswd -d -u $1 | sed -e 
|'s/:\([A-Za-z0-9_-]\+\),\([A-Za-z0-9_-]\+\),U-/:\2\1,U-/g' >> /etc/passwd
| Save that as "adduser.sh", then you can just "adduser.sh billy".
| The sed script is to turn real names from Lastname, Firstname
| to Firstname Lastname, since the extra comma causes issues.  If that
| isn't an issue for you, then remove the sed script.

Thanks for replying...

Fortunately there is no comma in my case, so i don't really need to
do any substitutions.

I'm not sure if you made a mistake or not, in typing the '-u' flag,
because my mkpasswd doesn't support that option.

We are doing pretty much the same things (in creating a user), but
I get permission denied after entering the password (during an ssh
attempt).  You don't have this problem ?  Can you think of anything
that might be responsible for this ?

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