> -----Original Message-----
> Here are a couple of suggestions for making the cygwin.com 
> website more 
> helpful.

Thanks for your suggestions, feedback on them in-line.
> 1) Include the current version number of setup.exe on the front page. 
> Otherwise, there is no way for the infrequent visitor to the 
> website to 
> know if setup.exe has been updated other than to re-download 
> and run it.

Setup.exe will warn you if it is out of date - the online data includes
the current version of setup.exe in the ini file. Having the version
number on the website is thus redudant.
> 2) Include in the FAQ (or somewhere) a section on "How to 
> Safely Update the 
> Cygwin dll". Probably just "shut down all cygwin apps, 
> including daemons", 
> but it would be useful to know for sure.

The next release of setup.exe automatically address's this and will
replace in-use .dll's.
> 3) Include or link those instructions in announcements of new 
> Cygwin dll 
> releases.
> Do these make sense?

They do, but as you can see we already have in place other measures to
address the same issues. 


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