> >>>>2) Include in the FAQ (or somewhere) a section on "How to Safely
Update the Cygwin dll". Probably just "shut down all cygwin apps, including
daemons", but it would be useful to know for sure.
> >>>>
> >>>The next release of setup.exe automatically address's this and will
> >>>replace in-use .dll's.
> >>>
> >>Really? How does it do that? Because I was under the impression that if
a program was running you cannot replace it's .exe file (or .dll file)
because it was opened exclusively by Windows. How do you get around that?
> >
> > Same way as Windows installers work.  Just schedule the DLL to be moved
> > after reboot.
> But that doesn't really replace the current DLL. IOW the changes are not
> effective until one reboots. Personally I find this a crummy way to do
> things but perhaps that's all that can be done.
Under Win NT/2k/XP it is actually possible to replace a DLL file that's
currently in use without rebooting. You rename the existing file to
something else, then copy the new file in its place. Then add the old file
to the MoveFileEx list of files to delete on reboot. That way the new file
is installed straight away.


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