Michael Young wrote:

>>And adding GPG as a package should be easy. There is already vounteer
>>binary downloads 'out there'. You just need to merge tehir build recipe
>>and patchs and the volunteer maintainer instructions.
> My understanding is that the official Windows binaries for GnuPG are
> built on Linux using a cross-compiler.  I don't suppose that's a
> legitimate approach for an official Cygwin package, though, is it?

No.  "official windows binaries" typically use the msvcrt.dll runtime, 
not cygwin1.dll.  Which means they don't understand cygwin's filename 
structure or mount points, making them awkward to use within the cygwin 

We need a cygwin build -- perhaps built using a cygwin-targetted cross 
compiler on linux-host, but definitely not using a 
native-mswindows(mingw) targetted cross compiler on any host platform.

> I'll look at what it will take to do a native configure/compile.

Errmmmm...in this context, 'native' is usually taken to mean "native 
microsoft" -- e.g. msvcrt.dll-runtime-based -- not cygwin-based.

Now that I've thoroughly confused everyone, let's clear up the mess:

    host        target         typical name
1  cygwin      cygwin         "self-hosted cygwin build"
2  linux       cygwin         "linux hosted cygwin target cross compile"
3  linux       mingw? native? "linux hosted native windows target"
                               "linux host, mingw target cross compile"
4  mingw/native?  mingw/native?  "self hosted mingw (or "native") build"

1) is good.  2) is good.  3) is bad.  4) is bad.

As Robert said, there are **cygwin** ports of GPG 'out there' -- search 
the mailing list archives for postings (I recall someone mentioning it 
along with mutt or pine in a recent email...)


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