On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 08:09:52PM -0400, Michael Kairys wrote:
>BitDefender AntiVirus 2009 and Cygwin got along fine, but when I upgraded to 
>2010 all my Cygwin-based apps started crashing. If I turn off their "Active 
>Virus Control" the problem goes away.
>They offer this advice:
>There is an incompatibility between cygwin and BitDefender AVC (Behavioral 
>I'm going to get a little bit technical here in order to explain in detail 
>what is happening :
>Unfortunately, cygwin1.dll has a hardcoded image loading base (0x61000000) 
>wich conflicts with one of the BitDefender AVC plugins injected into 
>processes for monitoring their behaviour.

This sounds fishy to me.  Cygwin does prefer to load at 0x61000000 but,
to the best of my knowledge, there is only one thing in Cygwin that
really cares about this and it is not crucial to the operation of the


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