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On Oct  9 07:05, Andy Koppe wrote:
> \001's and the tab at the end.
> $ touch $'\001' $'\t'
> touch: cannot touch `\001': No such file or directory
> touch: cannot touch `\t': No such file or directory
> In fact it appears that no control chars are allowed in filenames.

Indeed, and it's even documented.


  Use any character in the current code page for a name, including Unicode
  characters and characters in the extended character set (128–255),
  except for the following:

    * The following reserved characters:
          < > : " / \ | ? *
    * Integer value zero, sometimes referred to as the ASCII NUL character.
    * Characters whose integer representations are in the range from
      1 through 31, except for streams. For more information about file
      streams, see File Streams.
    * Any other character that the target file system does not allow.

If there's actually a demand to allow filenames with control chars,
we can do this by using the same technique described here:


So we create control chars as special Unicode characters in the private
use area U+f0XX.  It's a very easy change in Cygwin since the
translation back from the U+f0XX range to the original value already
works transparently for any character in the byte range.  We just have
to convert the chars <= 31 to the U+f0XX range just like the other
disallowed chars.


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