2009/10/9 Vin Shelton:
>>  > #3  0x005151bc in Lstream_really_write (lstr=0x176ea00,
>>  >     data=0x148d0c0
>>  > 
>> "c;C:\\cygwin\\cygwin\\tmp\\s360339.aoa\\ï\202\201Ð\201Ð\201Ð\201ï\203\22002ABFxi-string)g)Àâw\001\200ÑH\001Â\200\t",

Hang on, there is a problem with this one: Cygwin doesn't like the
\001's and the tab at the end.

$ touch $'\001' $'\t'
touch: cannot touch `\001': No such file or directory
touch: cannot touch `\t': No such file or directory

In fact it appears that no control chars are allowed in filenames.


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