Eliot Moss <moss <at> cs.umass.edu> writes:

> - But part of rebasing is to use ash (since it does not tie down
> so many dlls and all, I believe) ... but ash is not there!

Then something went wrong with your installation, because the dash package 
installs /usr/bin/ash.exe as part of the Base install, 
alongside /usr/bin/dash.exe.

> - After a while, I found "dash", which appears to be "ash" under
> a different name. I found the change gratuitous and surprising.
> Users will need to be warned, I think, or the name changed back.

There's no need for a name change, but it _would_ be nice to know what failed 
during your installation.

> Hope there's something useful to you here ...  Eliot Moss

What would have been more useful would be following the directions and 
attaching cygcheck -svr output, as mentioned here:

> Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html

Eric Blake
volunteer dash maintainer

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