On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 3:48 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 11/29/2009 3:19 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
>> On 11/29/2009 2:59 PM, Robert Pendell wrote:
>>> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 9:32 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>>> On Nov 28 19:12, Robert Pendell wrote:
>>>>> On Sat, Nov 28, 2009 at 12:13 PM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
>>>>>> Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>>>>>> Fixes a few last-minute bugs:
>>>>>> Now, it seems that creating directories and files in some manner
>>>>>> acquires an extra unexpected '+' flag. For example (from Cygwin.bat or
>>>>>> MinTTY):
>>>>>> $ echo "Not " > foo1.txt
>>>>>> $ echo "Not OK" > foo2.txt
>>>>>> $ diff -Naur foo1.txt foo2.txt > foo.diff
>>>>>> $ cp foo1.txt foo.txt
>>>>>> $ patch foo.txt foo.diff
>>>>>> patching file foo.txt
>>>>>> $ mkdir foo
>>>>>> $ ls -lrtd foo*
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 ...   5 28 Nov 18:02 foo1.txt
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 ...   7 28 Nov 18:02 foo2.txt
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--  1 ... 124 28 Nov 18:02 foo.diff
>>>>>> -rw-r--r--+ 1 ...   7 28 Nov 18:03 foo.txt
>>>>>> drwxr-xr-x+ 1 ...   0 28 Nov 18:03 foo
>>>>>> See the extra '+' for 'foo.txt' and 'foo'!
>>>>>> I didn't note this with previous version -66, -65...
>>>>>> Is it to be expected with -67?
>>>> For the directory entry, yes.  These additional entries are default
>>>> entries for user, group, and other, generated by code which was already
>>>> in 1.5, and which had been removed from 1.7.0 back in January.
>>>> Unfortunately the removal of these entries result in potentially weird
>>>> permission settings on files within Cygwin-created directories in case
>>>> the files are created by non-Cygwin Windows tools.  Therefore I put them
>>>> back in -63.
>>>> Apart from that, I don't see the extra permissions when creating the
>>>> patched foo.txt.  In other words, I can't reproduce it, at least not on
>>>> W7 under UAC.
>>>>> Looks like there is a change in permissions with the file during the
>>>>> diff program run.  I might run a strace on it if someone tells me the
>>>>> appropriate command to do.  Anyways here is the relevant part with
>>>>> icacls before and after the diff command.
>>>>> shi...@balthasar ~
>>>>> $ icacls foo.txt
>>>>> foo.txt Balthasar\shinji:(R,W,D,WDAC,WO)
>>>>>        Balthasar\None:(R)
>>>>>        Everyone:(R)
>>>>> Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
>>>>> shi...@balthasar ~
>>>>> $ patch foo.txt foo.diff
>>>>> patching file foo.txt
>>>>> shi...@balthasar ~
>>>>> $ icacls foo.txt
>>>>> foo.txt Balthasar\shinji:(R,W,D,WDAC,WO)
>>>>>        Balthasar\None:(R)
>>>>>        Everyone:(R)
>>>>>        NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(F)
>>>>>        BUILTIN\Administrators:(F)
>>>>> Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files
>>>>> The 2 additional permission lines on the second icacls run is what
>>>>> causes the + to appear.
>>>> Indeed.  I just don't get how they are generated.  I know where they are
>>>> coming from (they are part of the default DACL of the user token), but I
>>>> don't understand how they get into the ACL of foo.txt.  For some reason
>>>> this doesn't occur in my testing.  I tried in a normal as well as in an
>>>> elevated shell, in a directory created with an older version of Cygwin
>>>> without default entries, as well as in a directory created with a newer
>>>> Cygwin with default entries.  In neither case I see the extra entries
>>>> for SYSTEM and Administrators.
>>>> What are the permissions of the parent directory?  In other words,
>>>> what does "icacls ." print in this scenario?
>>> Here is the output for icacls .
>>> shi...@balthasar ~
>>> $ icacls .
>>> . Balthasar\shinji:(F)
>>>  Balthasar\None:(RX)
>>>  Everyone:(RX)
>> Maybe the extra permissions are coming from the ACLs on the temporary
>> directory used by patch.  According to 'man patch', patch will use the first
>> of the following variables that is set: TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP.  On my system,
>> TMP and TEMP are both set in the Windows environment.
> I just confirmed this on my XP SP3 system.  I initially got similar behavior
> to what Angelo and Robert reported, but it doesn't happen if I export
> TMPDIR=/tmp before running patch.
> Ken

Actually I found setting the TMP in .bashrc worked as well.  I set
both TMP and TEMP in that file for use in cygwin and directed them
towards /tmp.  I didn't know about TMPDIR though.

Coincidentally I thought to take a look at the system wide TEMP folder
and I get this...

shi...@balthasar /cygdrive/c/users/shinji/appdata/local/temp
$ icacls .

Successfully processed 1 files; Failed processing 0 files

That's where the additional Administrators and SYSTEM entries are
coming from.  The strace reveals a rename operation that is done to a
temp file in the system temp folder and sets it to the filename for
the item being patched.

Robert Pendell
CAcert Assurer
"A perfect world is one of chaos."

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