On Nov 29 18:22, Robert Pendell wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 29, 2009 at 5:41 PM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> > Ken Brown wrote:
> >>
> >> I just confirmed this on my XP SP3 system. I initially got similar
> >> behavior to what Angelo and Robert reported, but it doesn't happen if I
> >> export TMPDIR=/tmp before running patch.
> >
> > Indeed!
> >
> > On my system TMPDIR isn't defined by default; instead TMP and TEMP point to
> > $USERPROFILE/Temp. Setting TMP or TMPDIR to /tmp, works. Instead pointing
> > TEMP to /tmp does not, i.e. 'patch' creates foo.txt with '+'.

That explains it all.  The original problem was that inheritable
permissions from the parent dirs were not inherited when creating files
in Cygwin.  That was a long-standing problem in Cygwin since it disabled
POSIX ACL default permissions to be inherited correctly.  Now that works
correct.  So Angelo's observation is actually good news, rather than yet
another bug.


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