Batson, Chuck sent the following at Wednesday, January 20, 2010 8:11 PM
>I am aware it is possible to disable the "MS-DOS style path detected"
>warning with the 'nodosfilewarning' option.
>But this message raises the question of, "What is the Cygwin ideal?"
>That is, how to avoid the warning in a "clean" way without resorting to
>the 'nodosfilewarning' option?


It seems to me that 'nodosfilewarning' is "clean" and is "the Cygwin
ideal".  What is the problem using it?


Have people set the CYGWIN environmental variable?  I would think
that anyone who can handle the command line could handle that.


    Note to the CYGWIN DEVELOPERS:

        Now that the mount table is has moved from the
        Registry to a text file, perhaps it would make sense
        for cygwin1.dll to look at a text file, e.g.,
        /etc/cygwin.env, if the CYGWIN environmental variable
        is unset.

        This might also allow one to duplicate a cygwin
        installation by just copying a directory tree and the
        appropriate Windows batch files and shortcuts without
        having to run setup and without having set CYGWIN via
        the Control Panel | System | Advanced | Environmental

        Just a suggestion, not a request.  (I don't need it.)

>There is a situation in which it is not conceptually "clean" to avoid
>the warning: at the interface between the host OS and Cygwin tools.
>Say, for example, you create a Windows batch file containing the line:
>  touch C:\foo.txt


Does the following work if you put it at the beginning of the batch

set CYGWIN=%CYGWIN% nodosfilewarning

(Sorry I haven't tested - too much trouble.)


Tell people to always run from the current directory?

cd C:\
touch foo.txt


Don't use cygwin.

Compile the utilities of interest under MinGW.
(While you are there, look into MSYS and mingwPORTs.)

Find native utilities.  Here are the 2 I know about.
Note that they haven't been updated in a while.


Go back to 1.5.

- Barry
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