On Jan 22 09:51, Buchbinder, Barry (NIH/NIAID) [E] wrote:
>     Note to the CYGWIN DEVELOPERS:
>         Now that the mount table is has moved from the
>         Registry to a text file, perhaps it would make sense
>         for cygwin1.dll to look at a text file, e.g.,
>         /etc/cygwin.env, if the CYGWIN environmental variable
>         is unset.
>         This might also allow one to duplicate a cygwin
>         installation by just copying a directory tree and the
>         appropriate Windows batch files and shortcuts without
>         having to run setup and without having set CYGWIN via
>         the Control Panel | System | Advanced | Environmental
>         Variables.
>         Just a suggestion, not a request.  (I don't need it.)

Interesting idea, though.


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