On 20 February 2010 00:08, David Balažic <xerc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 19 February 2010 21:00, Andy Koppe <andy.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 19 February 2010 19:39, David Balažic:
>>> Hi!
>>> I have few days old setup of cygwin on WinXP.
>>> I also installed mintty.
>>> I worked fine on one user account, which is a member of the
>>> Administrators group.
>>> Today I started mintty under another, not admin, user, and got this:
>>> »./.bashrc« -> »/home/work//.bashrc«
>>> »./.bash_profile« -> »/home/work//.bash_profile«
>>> »./.inputrc« -> »/home/work//.inputrc«
>>> I also can not type certain non-ascii chars, that worked fine in the
>>> first user, like čšž.
>>> Now they appear on the bach command line as c ( š and ž don't appear at 
>>> all).
>>> Any idea what is wrong?
>> A mismatch of Cygwin's charset and mintty's charset, probably. What
>> versions of Cygwin and mintty are you using? What are the values of
>> LC_ALL, LC_CTYPE and LANG? Is anything set in the Charset (or
>> Codepage) field on the Text pane of mintty's options?
>  Cygwin DLL version info:
>        DLL version: 1.7.1
> mintty               0.5.7-1
> $LANG is SL ,  LC_* are undefined
> The mintty Text settings are empty.
> As mentioned, this is a fresh install and 99,9% of settings are at default.
> Windows Regional settings are:
> Standards and formats : Slovenian
> Location: United States
> Input Language/Keyborad layout: US English

Aha, the other account has:
Standards and formats : English (US)

I changed it on this account too and now it works.
$LANG is now C.UTF-8

It smells like a bug. A non US locale should not disable UTF-8, or?


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