On 21 February 2010 07:10, Andy Koppe <andy.ko...@gmail.com> wrote:
> David Balažic:
>>> I'm puzzled by that, because the standards and formats setting
>>> shouldn't have any effect on LANG, at least as far as mintty and
>>> Cygwin are concerned. Any idea how it might have got set to "SL"?
>> As I already mentioned, it is a fresh cygwin install.
>> And since the problem is triggered by a simple change in the system
>> prefs, anyone onterested can try it ;-)
> Gee, thanks. No, I can't reproduce it.
> Neither mintty nor Cygwin set LANG based on the Regional and Languages
> section, nor does Windows itself. This means something else set it to
> "SL". Is there any other Unixish software on your machine that might
> be doing that? MS's "Services for Unix" perhaps? Emacs?
> I understand you're no longer interested in this since you've solved
> your problem, but it would nevertheless be good to know what happened
> in case others hit this.

I'm _always_ interested in killing a bug ;-)

 - LANG is not set in Windows (checked by "set" and "echo %LANG%" in
command prompt)
 - if I set Standards and formats : back to Slovenian, I still have
LANG=C.UTF-8 !!!
  I will try if there is a difference if I log off and back on, or reboot
 - I don't see SFU in "Add or Remove programs", neither is there a C:\SFU folder
 - I have gvim 7.2, and as mentioned, an older version of cygwin
(1.5.25), it has no LANG variable defined when started (Cygwin Bash


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