On 05.04.2010 09:46, Rurik Christiansen wrote:
On 5/04/2010 5:59 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
Rurik Christiansen wrote:

Is there a way to have something similar to Xcompose for utf8 input ?

You can have actual Xcompose by running an X server and using xterm or

For the console and mintty, you depend on Windows' native mechanisms,
in particular, "dead keys". Different keyboard layouts can be chosen

Ah ... that's not what I had in mind.

What I wanted is a mechanism to use as in Xcompose, i.e.<meta>  + "
diving diaeresis for the next letter,
<meta>  + ^ giving circumflex accent, etc.

I don't want to change the current keyboard layout.
Do you need it throughout in the shell/terminal or would it be sufficient to have it in an editor? You might give mined a try; it has built-in support for a variety of convenient input support methods, for example you can type Control-comma c and will get a c with cedilla (works in xterm and mintty).


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