On 10/04/2010 12:11 AM, Thomas Wolff wrote:
> On 05.04.2010 09:46, Rurik Christiansen wrote:
>> On 5/04/2010 5:59 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
>>> Rurik Christiansen wrote:
>>>> Is there a way to have something similar to Xcompose for utf8 input
>>>> ?       
>>> You can have actual Xcompose by running an X server and using xterm or
>>> rxvt-unicode.

How do I enable that ? (doesn't work by default)
> Do you need it throughout in the shell/terminal or would it be
> sufficient to have it in an editor?

Ideally universally. But I am using it mostly in email, zim (personal
wiki type app), vim and CLI
(ok, in vim I can use the digraphs but an unified interface would be ideal)

For a while I looked at autohotkey but is not as straightforward as I
thought (even if I still think is the best shot).

> You might give mined a try; it has built-in support for a variety of
> convenient input support methods,
> for example you can type Control-comma c and will get a c with cedilla
> (works in xterm and mintty).

Ah yes thanls for the suggestion :) ... I'm already familiar with vi so
I may stick with it in the mean time


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