On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 05:44:34PM -0400, Lee D. Rothstein wrote:
>  >>> 2010/4/28, Lee D. Rothstein
>  >>> FWIW, the man page says makeself, not makeself.sh.
> I actually didn't say that, but I alluded to it.

That is true:
From: "Lee Maschmeyer" <lee_maschmeyerXXXXXXXXX>
It was another Lee...

> First some important medical information:
>   Suffixes cause cancer in dogs learning to play the piano. A lot
>   of the contributors, here, apparently, have such pets. ;-)

Some day I'll get those jokes about dogs playing pianos, super-cows,
hippos and stuff...

> Now, my opinion:
>   Amen, to what Erick Blake said. No suffixes, please. Debian has
>   it right.

Done. Thanks four your time.


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