> To reiterate, I am not interested in collaborating with anyone on web
> site redesign and, as I said, I don't think a mascot is called for.

Well that's that, case closed :) Thanks for taking the time to
respond, Christopher. And while I'm at it, thank you and the other
contributors for all the effort you've invested in Cygwin.

If circumstances change in the future where you welcome outside
assistance, be that for a total website overhaul, minor touch-ups or
on-going maintenance/webmastering, please feel free to get in touch

I'll leave my proposal [2] online for the time being. I'm still open
to requests from other projects that would like assistance with their
website [3].


[1] via email or I can be found on Freenode as HappyPelican
[2] http://cygwin.codecamel.com
[3] for details regarding 'why' - http://codecamel.com/donate

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