u...@localhost /usr/include
$ for h in curses.h eti.h form.h menu.h ncurses.h panel.h term.h unctrl.h ; do
> ln -s ncurses/$h $h ;done

I think libncurses-devel package should have these symlink files.


2010/5/18, Luis Vital <lvital.m...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I just installed NCurses under Cygwin.
> Looking at the file list after the instalation I see that I have:
> /usr/include/curses.h
> /usr/include/ncurses.h
> etc.
> and
> /usr/include/ncurses/curses.h
> /usr/include/ncurses/ncurses.h
> etc.
> If I compile using #include <ncurses.h> I got errors but if I
> compile using #include "ncurses/ncurses.h" I don't get errors and the
> programs work fine.
> Nevertheless all the examples use #include <ncurses.h> so this should
> work fine.
> Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks in advance.
> Best regards,
> Luis Vital

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