On 5/19/2010 2:04 AM, rushojp wrote:
> u...@localhost /usr/include
> $ for h in curses.h eti.h form.h menu.h ncurses.h panel.h term.h unctrl.h ; do
>> ln -s ncurses/$h $h ;done
> I think libncurses-devel package should have these symlink files.

Is anybody going to read the documentation? From

All libraries (libncurses, libpanel, libmenu, libform, libncurses++)
come in both static (.a) and dynamic (.dll) forms.  To link your project
with the C libraries:
  #0) Use -I /usr/include/ncurses when compiling
Port Notes:
----------  ncurses-5.7-18 -- 20090102 -----------
* Remove symlinks in /usr/include/ to /usr/include/ncurses/*

The reasons the symlinks in /usr/include were removed was to treat
ncurses and ncursesw the same, rather than stamping one as the
"approved" version with "official" symlinks in /usr/include.

Actually, I'd prefer if people started using -I/usr/include/ncursesw and
linking against the wide version of the library instead.


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