On 31/05/2010 00:08, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sun, May 30, 2010 at 03:36:59PM -0700, physicist25 wrote:

>> "I ran cygcheck, its also attached as a .txt file. Notice how I had to add a
>> "/" to the command to run it."

>> I did this again, same results except now I dont have to use "/" when i
>> write "cygcheck", the results of running the command are the same.
>> http://old.nabble.com/file/p28725344/nocommandswork.txt nocommandswork.txt 
> This is what that oddly attached file shows:
>   -sh-3.2# cygcheck -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
>   -sh: cygcheck: command not found
>   -sh-3.2# cygcheck/ -s -v -r > cygcheck.out
>   cygcheck: dump_sysinfo: GetVolumeInformation() for drive D: failed: 112
>   -sh-3.2#

  This is just the bizarrest thing I've ever seen.  What on earth is going on
here that appending a slash could make the difference?  Is there any kind of
alternative unix-alike system such as msys, mingw, mks or gnuwin installed on
the machine?


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