> I am very suspicious of anything that Windows 7 might suggest with
> respect to Cygwin.
> On what basis does Win 7 claim that Cygwin was not installed correctly,
> and how on earth can Win 7 hope to correct this for you?
> I would suggest un-installing Cygwin, then from Cygwin setup
> once again installing Cygwin, and then strenuously avoiding
> any suggestions from Win 7 that it knows better than Cygwin
> about Cygwins own installation.
> --

I think one of the reasons that Windows 7 is detecting a problem is
because he ran a program called 'setup.exe' but it didn't create an
entry in Add/Remove Programs.

Just ignore it.

Maybe there is something that could be added to the .manifest that
would make the message never appear?  I do not know.


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