On 6/4/2010 1:36 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:

Error: Cannot read 'img2.png': No such file or directory
Converting image #1
       0 [main] perl 3400 C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error -
Internal error: TP_NUM_W_BUFS too small."

This looks like an internal error in Cygwin which runs out of TLS
filename buffers.  For a start, could you please strace the perl
process?  This may help to figure out the function in which the problem


I tried doing

strace -o logfile make test

but the output was too large, and the make seems to become slower and slower, after the file got to be over 2 GB and still growing, I killed everything.

So, I tried this next:

edited the Makefile and added "-d" to the perl command in the Makefile, then typed

$ export PERLDB_OPTS="NonStop frame=2"
make test

This below is a small part of the screen output around the perl crash, may be this will help?

again, i am not familar with perl or debugging it, but will be happy to help, if you have some specific instructions I can try.

==== screen output=====

 entering L2hos::Unix::syswait
This is dvips(k) 5.95a Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)
' TeX output 2010.06.04:0234' -> /cygdrive/G/LATEX/TMP/l2h2264/image
(-> /cygdrive/G/LATEX/TMP/l2h2264/image001) <tex.pro><texps.pro><special.pro>
(-> /cygdrive/G/LATEX/TMP/l2h2264/image002) <tex.pro><texps.pro><special.pro>
   exited L2hos::Unix::syswait
   entering L2hos::Unix::Rename
   exited L2hos::Unix::Rename
   entering L2hos::Unix::Rename
   exited L2hos::Unix::Rename
   entering L2hos::Unix::Unlink
   exited L2hos::Unix::Unlink
   entering main::extract_image
    entering NDBM_File::FETCH
    exited NDBM_File::FETCH
    entering NDBM_File::FETCH
    exited NDBM_File::FETCH
    entering L2hos::Unix::Unlink
    exited L2hos::Unix::Unlink
Converting image #2
    entering L2hos::Unix::syswait
0 [main] perl 1312 C:\cygwin\bin\perl.exe: *** fatal error - Internal error: TP_NUM_W_BUFS too small.
    exited L2hos::Unix::syswait

Error while converting image
    entering main::write_warnings
    exited main::write_warnings
    entering main::embed_image
     entering main::get_image_size
     exited main::get_image_size

=== screen output ====


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