On 6/7/2010 1:15 PM, Christopher Faylor wrote:

Rather than express amazement that I raised the issue why not just prove
that this doesn't mean anything by simplifying your path and trying

I am not expressing amazement, I was asking a simple question, if one can't install windows perl if they have cygwin also.

btw, I did NOT touch the $PATH. This is how it is "out of the box".

cygwin by default post-append windows PATH to "/usr/bin:/bin:".

In my $HOME/.barc I only add /usr/loca/bin to PATH

I would try just doing something like:

bash$ ...

Ok, I just did, and those warnings are still there:

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 me-PC 1.7.5(0.225/5/3) 2010-04-12 19:07 i686 Cygwin

$ echo $PATH

$ cygcheck -s -v -r>  cygcheck.out
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'DcomLaunch': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'pla': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'QWAVE': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'RpcEptMapper': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.
/usr/bin/cygrunsrv: warning: OpenService failed for 'RpcSs': Win32 error 5
Access is denied.


I also meant to mention that you should remove the reference to /usr/bin
since /bin and /usr/bin are the same directory under Cygwin.  This won't
have any effect other than to make things slightly slower but you don't
need to have this in your path.


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