On Jun  8 00:54, Nasser M. Abbasi wrote:
> On 6/8/2010 12:46 AM, Alexander T wrote:
> >There is a similar post from 2009 where the conclusion is that this
> >can be caused by very deep forking
> >(http://readlist.com/lists/cygwin.com/cygwin/6/34359.html). Is it
> >possible that the make script does very deep, or is stuck in infinite,
> >recursion?
> Yes, I know, I saw the above, and I did point that message when I
> first reported the problem:
> http://readlist.com/lists/cygwin.com/cygwin/8/44577.html
> May be then this bug has been there for a year now.

You missed http://readlist.com/lists/cygwin.com/cygwin/6/34365.html

This bug has been fixed for a year now.  Your bug is something else.
I'm still waiting for some helpful debugging like an strace or, even
better, a simple testcase in plain C.


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