Max Bowsher wrote:
> CBFalconer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Max Bowsher wrote:
> >> There is no such option 'install from download'. Do you mean
> >> 'install from internet' or 'install from local directory'?
> >
> > From local.  IIRC running setup only gives the three options,
> > including 'download'.  Either of the download or install from
> > internet options immediately attempts to connect, which is
> > understandable.  However the install from local gives no options
> > whatsoever, and no chance to make a set of selections.
> I'm going to describe exactly how setup behaves for me. Explain
> carefully how it differs for you.
> Setup Splash Page [Next]
> Choose a Download Source [Install from Local Directory, Next]
> Select Root Install Directory [Next]
> Select Local Package Directory [Next]
> Progess [wait]
> Select Packages [Make necessary choices in the package chooser thingy, Next]
> Stuff gets installed.
> i.e. it works just fine for me.

This is very helpful.  It is quite possible that I am too
impatient.  How long is the "Progress [wait]" step under what
conditions including CPU speed (mine is very slow, a 486/80)?  I
considered that that should be virtually instantaneous, and I gave
the process the 3 fingered salute after a relatively short time. 
As I said, I have about 90 odd megabytes of bz2 files downloaded
as candidates to process, much of which I want to ignore for now.

If the system has to expand all those bz2 files and extract the
tar directories, that would explain the delay.

Can you confirm that all I need to do to shift those elsewhere (a
different disk) is to bodily move the whole "download source"
directory (and subdirs etc) there?

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