>>> Max Bowsher wrote:
>> Less than 1 sec on my P4 1.2GHz. I think you should hear disc access
>> during this phase. (I can't tell - 1GB of RAM allows a lot of disc
>> cache :-) )

Randall R Schulz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You have got to be kidding! You must have very few packages
> installed. I have a full mirror of all binary and source packages and
> keep all the binary packages installed. Preparation for "Install from
> Local Directory" takes 2:15 (min:sec) on my system. This system is,
> by the standards of the moment, one of the fastest systems one can
> buy (the only real exception in this case being the mere Ultra-Wide
> SCSI disk and channel on which my local Cygwin package mirror
> resides--the other disks, including the Cygwin  are Ultra-160; Well,
> that and the fact that I keep the mirror package files on an NTFS
> compressed volume). After Setup.exe is done scanning the package
> repository and the active installation to tell me what's available
> for installation (update), it has consume about 6 seconds of CPU time
> (on a 2.4 GHz P4) and has read 748 million bytes. The local package
> mirror / repository occupies 489 megabytes.
> Hmmm... Now that I think of it, it could only be counter-productive
> to use file system compression on all those BZip2-compressed files
> (as well as on the older gzip-compressed ones). I'll exclude that
> portion of the volume from compression in the future. OK. After
> removing the system-level compression from the archive and
> immediately re-running Setup.exe in "Install from Local Directory"
> the scanning time decreases from 2:15 to 1:50. Not bad.

1:50? Not bad? I call that bad!

My machine is P4 1.2GHz, 1GB RAM, only a 5400rpm IDE HD (laptop).

With setup- (release), Time is 1sec.
With setup- (snapshot), Time is 17sec on 1st run, 5s if I exit and
restart setup (all the package files are still cached in RAM - I get _no_
disc access at all on a 2nd run)

Packages: All [curr] packages, bin & src - size 508MB.

Max :-)

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