> Yep, pretty much all of that. It's not what was said (which sounds
> fine when you paraphrase it as you have), but the way it was said. It
> was my reaction to reading the thread in one sitting, especially as I
> thought the OP had good intentions.

The OP obviously has good intentions, because there is not much to
gain for him by setting up a forum beyond a lot of work. It's also
true that the tone is often rough in this forum. There are people with
an attitude, that I feel they really need medical help or what. It's
true some of the kids never learned to use a mailing list or a news
list. A forum could help them to access.

Nonetheless I also see the big disadvantages in splitting and
scattering the knowlege. A forum as a mere frontend to to access this
mailinglist would be much more helpfull than a parallel forum that
splits the community. If you have a question, you need to turn to two
different locations in future, which isn't usefull either.


Caution crosser:  Runnig Gentoo/Prefix on Cygwin/Vista.
All stupid questions are related to that context.

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