On Fri, Oct 08, 2010 at 08:32:21PM -0500, mike marchywka wrote:
>I have actually thought of starting my own forum for a different field
>after contacting the site that inspired my interest, they had no
>interest in a forum.  My idea was something like wikipedia with more
>prominence to the discussion and somewhat different entries.  If you
>could make a cygwin wikipedia, with pages related to topics, perhaps
>questions posted to list could shape the entries with the responses to
>related questions pointed to from the main article, perhaps that could
>add value.  Google however does reasonably well extracting mail list
>archives, but I have found that often information gets fragmented - you
>can find a message with "thanks that worked' but then you have to hunt
>for question since someone edited it out to save space.  A top posted
>"thanks" with question and answer below could actually be the best post
>for future googlers.  FWIW.

We've already mentioned that we need help improving our documentation.
The documentation at the Cygwin site should, in a perfect world, contain
what a user needs and there should be no need to go to google for
information.  So, rather than invent some convention to make it easy
to look up things in google, we really should be updating the words
available on the cygwin site.


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