On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 02:06:56PM -0400, Ken Brown wrote:
>On 10/16/2010 1:17 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
>> I could use some help fixing a longstanding bug in the Cygwin build of
>> emacs, in which emacs is unable to send signals to subprocesses.  A
>> symptom from the user's point of view is that one cannot interrupt a
>> process in shell mode by typing C-c C-c.  I've found a workaround that
>> handles that case (SIGINT), as well as SIGQUIT and SIGTSTP.  But as long
>> as I'm fixing this, I'd like to do it right and figure out how to handle
>> all signals.
>> This boils down to finding the right process group ID to pass to 'kill'.
>> On systems that have TIOCGPGRP, emacs uses the following code (in
>> src/process.c) to get this ID:

If it helps, I can implement TIOCGPGRP so it will be available in Cygwin


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