On 10/18/2010 10:58 AM, Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 02:06:56PM -0400, Ken Brown wrote:
On 10/16/2010 1:17 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
I could use some help fixing a longstanding bug in the Cygwin build of
emacs, in which emacs is unable to send signals to subprocesses.  A
symptom from the user's point of view is that one cannot interrupt a
process in shell mode by typing C-c C-c.  I've found a workaround that
handles that case (SIGINT), as well as SIGQUIT and SIGTSTP.  But as long
as I'm fixing this, I'd like to do it right and figure out how to handle
all signals.

This boils down to finding the right process group ID to pass to 'kill'.
On systems that have TIOCGPGRP, emacs uses the following code (in
src/process.c) to get this ID:

If it helps, I can implement TIOCGPGRP so it will be available in Cygwin

Yes, that would be great.  Thanks.


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