Bump.  I just posted the same problem on Friday night on Windows 7.

On 12:59 PM, Ken Brown wrote:
On 11/5/2010 8:03 AM, Ken Brown wrote:
If I start sshd on a machine running a recent snapshot, I'm unable to
login to that machine via ssh. The connection is closed right after I
type my password. The problem first appears in the snapshot of
20100917. To reproduce:

1. Start sshd.

2. While logged in as one user, try to login as another user. For

$ ssh kbrown-ad...@localhost
kbrown-ad...@localhost's password:
Connection to localhost closed by remote host.
Connection to localhost closed.

The same thing happens if I try to ssh in from a different machine on
the network.

Further information: There are two entries in the Windows Event Viewer
(Application Log) after the failed login:

sshd: PID 2264: Accepted password for kbrown-admin from ::1 port 1025 ssh2.

sshd: PID 2264: fatal: chmod(/dev/tty1, 0622) failed: Permission denied.


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