On May 12 09:47, Keith Christian wrote:
> This permissions problem has existed for awhile, and I'd like to find
> a solution.
> CMD.EXE is able to create files inside directories on a standard
> Windows share, but from a Bash shell on Cygwin, a permission denied
> message occurs, and this is in most if not all directories:
>         -bash: .cpan/build/foo2: Permission denied
> [...]
> Z:\.cpan\build>cacls z:\.cpan\build
> z:\.cpan\build NGT\kchristian:(OI)(CI)C
>                BUILTIN\Administrators:(OI)(CI)F
>                NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM:(OI)(CI)F
> [...]
> (kchristian@some-machine) /cygdrive/z>echo foo2 > .cpan/build/foo2
> -bash: .cpan/build/foo2: Permission denied

I created a share with the same permissions as above on a pre-Vista
machine, just as your share.  The sharing permissions are set to
"Change" for everyone.  I then tried to create a file from another
machine using the same echo command in bash.  I can not reproduce your
problem.  Creating the file worked fine.

So I have no idea why this fails for you.  Maybe it's something with
the share permissions or whatever.  Perhaps an strace shows what fails.

  $ strace -o bash.trace bash -c 'echo foo2 > /cygdrive/z/.cpan/build/foo2'

and send the bash.trace file, then we can have a look.


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