On May 13 10:27, Keith Christian wrote:
> I asked our Windows admin to check permissions on the share.  They are
> the same as everyone else's.
> I tried this entry in /etc/fstab, closed all Cygwin Bash windows,
> opened a window, unable to create files in /cygdrive/z or
> subdirectories within.
> Z: /cygdrive/z ntfs binary,noacl 0 0

That doesn't work.  You must choose another path which doesn't
start with the cygdrive prefix, for instance:

Z: /mnt/z doesnt_matter binary,noacl 0 0

> Even when I own the directory, still cannot create anything within it.

It has something to do with the share permissions, which disallow
WRITE_DAC permissions(*).  However, since I can't reproduce this problem,
I have really no idea what combination of share permissions and/or maybe
domain policy have this effect.


(*) http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2011-05/msg00197.html

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