On 5/25/2011 1:17 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> Consolas on Windows 7 indeed is much improved.

In the original thread over on cygwin-apps, I had written:
> Yep, works fine with Lucida Console.  I was using Consolas, which IMO
> looks better...but yep, it appears to be missing the glyphs -- although
> rumor has it that MS added the glyphs in their W7 version of this font.
>  Since I'm running Vista and XP, well...   I probably knew that at one
> point.  Maybe.

I guess I *did* know this at one point:

FWIW, compare the various versions of consolas:

5.00 -- shipped with Vista

1.00 -- included in the Office 2007 compatibility pack

and 5.22, Windows7's version:
which is not, AFAICT, available gratis.


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