On 5/27/2011 1:29 AM, Andy Koppe wrote:
> On 27 May 2011 06:26, Andy Koppe wrote:
>> On 26 May 2011 16:53, Warren Young wrote:
>>> It might be good if this xgraphics file you have were distributed with
>>> mintty in the doc directory, so others can repeat the test on their system
>>> with other fonts.
>> It's not mintty-specific and it's not documentation, so no.
>> Find it attached though.
> Forgot to say: the file was created by Thomas Wolff.

I think this file, as well as the font-test stuff, would be most
accessible if added to the mintty wiki somewhere.


Obviously, any direct download links in the wiki text (such as <img
src="" /> elements like the screenshots here:

would require that those files be added to svn under images/ or something.

Andy, if you agree but don't want to do it yourself, I can do it if you
give me (temporary) privileges...send me a private email for code.google
account info.  FWIW, the current version of those images (*) are (as of
this email) explicitly placed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license, as is the
web page that aggregates and displays them.

(*) except for fonts-consolas-w7.png, which was created by Andy.


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