On 10/09/2011 02:57, Chris Sutcliffe wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just a heads up around an issue I encountered with rtorrent after
> executing rebaseall. I ran in to some forking issues so I executed
> rebaseall after which rtorrent started to crash constantly during
> various operations.  Through trial and error I narrowed it down to
> cygstdc++-6.dll being rebased.  As a result I updated rebaseall to
> exclude cygstdc++ (at line 110) by adding "-e '/cygstdc++-6.dll$/d'".
> I'm not sure what the issue is with rebasing cygstdc++-6.dll, but I
> figured I should share my findings in case someone else runs in to a
> similar issue.

  Is that the newest version that goes along with gcc-4.5.3-2?  Off the top of
my head I remember something like this happening before, but I thought we'd
fixed it.  I'll have to do some digging if it's still happening to the new one.


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