On Mon, 2011-09-26 at 02:15 +0100, Dave Korn wrote:
>   The problem is in binutils, and the fact that it generates base relocs for
> entries from EH data that should be just ignored.
>   http://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2011-09/msg00174.html
> contains more detail, if you want to ask more let's do it on the binutils 
> list.
>   So to answer your question: the gcc language-specific runtime DLLs have to
> be built using the patched version of binutils, otherwise they break when they
> get rebased; that's why I'm rebuilding the gcc packages - having already
> locally rebuilt binutils.  This will only be a big issue for anyone who wants
> to rebuild gcc from source themselves, the new packages I upload to the distro
> will still work for everyone regardless of what binutils they have installed
> and/or how or when or where they get rebased.

Except that this issue doesn't affect only libstdc++, but any C++
library which throws exceptions (as I have seen on my system).  So we
really do need a patched binutils ASAP.


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