On 09/23/11 07:55, Ryan Johnson wrote:
On 22/09/2011 9:56 PM, Larry Hall (Cygwin) wrote:
On 9/22/2011 4:57 PM, Steve Atkins wrote:
In the process of trying to build Qt on Windows in a cygwin shell, I've
discovered that neither tar nor unzip will work reliably under Cygwin -
untaring an archive will not correctly create the files that the archive contains. The "configure.exe" that's required to build Qt is never extracted
from the tarball.

The problem is that the cygwin filesystem shims consider "configure" and
"configure.exe" to be almost the same, despite their having different
filenames, so when tar extracts an archive containing both it ends up
deleting the existing "configure.exe" when it creates "configure".

This was discussed a couple of years ago -
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2009-08/msg00293.html - and the conclusion
seemed to be that cygwin was working as designed, and the user just
shouldn't ever be doing anything that requires both "foo" and "foo.exe"
under cygwin, and that if they do want to do that, they probably shouldn't
be using cygwin.

That seems like a fairly nasty limitation / bug, and makes use of the
cygwin shell a bit too brittle to rely on for build automation - I'm
wondering if anyone knows if there's been any change in the situation since

No, no change and probably not likely to be anytime soon.  By using the
Windows build environment for QT, you're trying to force a Windowsism into
Cygwin's POSIX environment.  The transparency of the ".exe" extension is
already a concession to a Windowsism, namely that executables must have a .exe extension. Cygwin needed to support this one though to make allot of POSIX scripts work without alteration. That may cause breakage in corner cases like the QT Windows build environment but that's the (far) lesser of
two evils.  Cygwin's striving to provide a POSIX environment in a Win32
environment after all. I know nothing about the QT build environment but
from what you've said, it doesn't sound like it's assuming a POSIX
environment for building on Windows.  I'd recommend sticking with tools
that conform to the Windows requirements if you're building for Windows.

That said, going forward, there may come a day when all Cygwin executables
no longer have the .exe extension, which was really an interoperability
concession to Windows 9x/Me platforms. Cygwin 1.7 doesn't support 9x/Me, so the concession is now largely a historical one and could possibly be changed. But even if it were to happen, it would be a big undertaking due
to the number of Cygwin packages that would be affected (i.e. all).  It
would take quite a while to trickle down to the majority of packages. And only at that point might it make sense to remove the transparent handling
of exe.  So that brings me back to my opening statement. :-)
Wild speculation here...

A quick test shows that ./a indeed works fine inside cygwin whether the '.exe' is present or not, though it would be a little challenging invoke such binaries directly from Windows.

So... how hard would it be to provide "CYGWIN=(no)disabletransparent_exe"?*** There could a very simple utility, similar to rebaseall, which strips the .exe extension from cygwin executables (identifiable from cygcheck or their presence in standard paths), and which accepts additional paths to clean up. People needing the functionality would be responsible run the utility properly (after installing new packages, don't mess with Windows paths, etc.).

That would require no changes to any package to give the desired behavior, and as packages change they would just fit right in (no .exe in the package ==> no fuss).

Of course, SHTDI...


*** The old, removed "transparent_exe" has the wrong boolean sense to work the correct way by default

What do you do about say, Foo.c and foo.c?
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Give a person a fish and you feed them for a day; teach that person to use the Internet and they won't bother you for weeks.

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