On 9/23/2011 9:14 AM, Steve Atkins wrote:
On Sep 23, 2011, at 8:34 AM, Andrew DeFaria wrote:

On 09/23/11 07:55, Ryan Johnson wrote:
Wild speculation here...

A quick test shows that ./a indeed works fine inside cygwin whether the '.exe' 
is present or not, though it would be a little challenging invoke such binaries 
directly from Windows.

So... how hard would it be to provide "CYGWIN=(no)disabletransparent_exe"?*** 
There could a very simple utility, similar to rebaseall, which strips the .exe extension 
from cygwin executables (identifiable from cygcheck or their presence in standard paths), 
and which accepts additional paths to clean up. People needing the functionality would be 
responsible run the utility properly (after installing new packages, don't mess with 
Windows paths, etc.).

That would require no changes to any package to give the desired behavior, and as 
packages change they would just fit right in (no .exe in the package ==>  no 

Of course, SHTDI...


*** The old, removed "transparent_exe" has the wrong boolean sense to work the 
correct way by default

What do you do about say, Foo.c and foo.c?
The same as you do now on cygwin and on other case-preserving but 
case-insensitive filesystems - treat them as identical. That's still a little 
annoying, but not uncommon on unix-ish environments (OS X as one common 
example) so people already are aware of it and work around it.

My point, obviously missed, was that I thought that the issue here was that if you untar a tar which contains say a.exe and a as two different files the later one will overwrite the former due to the way that Cygwin treats files that end in .exe. Wouldn't you have a similar problem if you had Foo.c and foo.c in the tar image? (Note I didn't know about that registry setting which is interesting and which I'd venture to guess nobody runs with).

If people "work around" the Foo.c/foo.c issue, presumably by renaming one of the files, couldn't they likewise "work around" the a.exe/a issue?
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Reality is a crutch for people who can't handle drugs.

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