On Oct 23 16:05, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> On 10/23/2011 3:57 PM, Marc Girod wrote:
> >
> >
> >Marc Girod wrote:
> >>
> >>To be honest, I find that cygcheck too behaves strangely:
> >>
> >>...
> >>~>  cygcheck -l rebase-3.0.1-1
> >>
> >OK: my mistake (Thanks Marco):
> >
> >~>  cygcheck -c rebase
> >Cygwin Package Information
> >Package              Version        Status
> >rebase               3.0.1-1        OK
> >~>  cygcheck -l rebase
> >/usr/bin/peflags.exe
> >/usr/bin/peflagsall
> >/usr/bin/rebase.exe
> >/usr/bin/rebaseall
> >/usr/share/doc/Cygwin/rebase-3.0.1.README
> >
> >No rebasedb mentioned...
> >I start reading the README again. Not done that for quite some time.
> >
> >Marc
> rebase.db is new introduction of rebase-4,
> but as you found the maintainer made a package error
> As workaround with rebase-4.0.0-1 you can, from ash,
> mkdir /usr/etc
> rebaseall

I suggest to create a mount point instead:

  $ mount -f -o bind /etc /usr/etc

That makes /etc and /usr/etc the same dir for the time being.
This way, when the package is updated, the rebase DB is already
in the right spot.


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