On 15 February 2012 at 02:25, Jason Tishler wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 05:23:37PM +0100, Hans Peter Jepsen wrote:
> > I googled for an answer, but did not find any.
> What about the following Google search on "TclError: no display name
> and no $DISPLAY environment variable"?
> http://www.google.com/search?q=TclError%3A+no+display+name+and+no+%24DI
> SPLAY+environment+variable
> The first item from the above search yields:
> http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/tcl-error-no-
> display-name-and-no-display-environment-variable-340184/

Having had the same trouble myself with gitk, I don't think the help on those 
links is particularly useful.  The two pieces of advice there (and on most 
similar posts Google threw at me) are to set $DISPLAY to ':0' or similar (which 
doesn't help at all without an X server), or saying that one needs to use X.

Having never required X previously, and having assumed the Cygwin installer 
would have told me if packages I was using required X11, I assumed that was a 
different problem; one specific to full Linux systems.  I "knew" gitk on Cygwin 
could just work and create windows without needing X11, because that's how it 
had always worked since I started using it.

Eventually I found http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2012-02/msg00115.html, and 
realized I did now need to use X11.  However, I suspect most people aren't 
going to subscribe to the Cygwin mailing lists, and are going to hit exactly 
the same problems.  Where they, as I did, will spend quite a bit of time trying 
to work out why things that always used to work are suddenly pumping out errors 
about this "X11" thing they've never used previously and have no desire to use.

Adam Dinwoodie
Software Engineer, Carrier Systems Division
Metaswitch Networks

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