On 12/03/2012 5:39 AM, Michel Bardiaux wrote:
To complete the port of some library to Cygwin, I need a way to produce
a traceback with as much info as possible. Currently I have something
that works but not that well.  There are basically 3 parts:

* Gather all the stack frames; see below.
* Assign the PCs in each frame to some executable image; done via dlfcn.
To be discussed later.
* Convert the PCs to function+source+line; done via addr2line. Ditto.

Despite a lot of web digging I have not (yet?) found a better way than
this classic unixish song-and-dance:

      snipped source that manually parses output
      of forked child's call to cygwin_stackdump()

Now this is acceptable for a traceback following the raising of some
error condition, but seems much too heavy for using in a leak detector.
Does anyone know of an equivalent API under cygwin? Or could we consider
adding such a variation of cygwin_stackdump to the cygwin DLL?
This is hard in C, and harder in code compiled by gcc due to things like -fomit-frame-pointer and gcc's tendency to use alloca under the hood for large stack allocations. This is nothing unique to cygwin, but it does mean that cygwin's stack dumper is unsafe to use because it may get something wrong and go to la-la-land. This seems to work ok-ish during error-before-abort but not for code that hopes to continue running reliably after the call.

If you're using C++, and if exceptions are enabled, then you could use gcc's <unwind.h> to non-destructively unwind any stack frame that an exception might propagate through/into. Unfortunately, interesting functions don't always get unwind info, and traversing one of those can cause seg faults during unwinding. Also unfortunately, this trick seems broken in the latest version of cygwin/gcc on my machine (the example I developed a while back under linux seg faults).

Alternatively, you could compile with -g and try to traverse the debug info tables gdb uses to work around everything nasty gcc does, but there's no clean API there that I know of.

Out of curiosity, what is your library currently using to generate backtraces? There's a backtrace facility in glibc (man backtrace), but it's got a long list of caveats as well, including death by -fomit-frame-pointer (it doesn't use any debug/unwind info emitted by the compiler).


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