On 12/03/2012 11:20 AM, Michel Bardiaux wrote:
Alternatively, you could compile with -g and try to traverse the debug
info tables gdb uses to work>  around everything nasty gcc does, but
there's no clean API there that I know of.

Since cygwin_stackdump does not dare to tread there...
Pretty much. I would just note that this is not cygwin-specific. Nobody but gdb dares as far as I know.

Out of curiosity, what is your library currently using to generate backtraces?

Well you just snipped it: pipe/fork/dup to catch the stderr of cygwin_stackdump 
called in the forked process.
I meant in the original, non-ported version of the library which you are porting to cygwin. Presumably it did not call cygwin_stackdump.

There's a backtrace facility in glibc (man backtrace), but it's got a long list 
of caveats as well, including death by -fomit-frame-pointer (it doesn't use any 
debug/unwind info emitted by the compiler).
In what package? I have cygwin basics + gcc installed, and no backtrace in any 
This was in the context of my previous question (see above). Cygwin uses newlib, not glibc.


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