On 4/28/2012 6:10 AM, marco atzeri wrote:
On 4/28/2012 12:34 AM, Ken wrote:

When attempting to do a download "ONLY", setup.exe caused the following
error to be displayed on Windows 7 64-bit:

Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library:

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

I tried a few different mirrors with the same result.

Then, I used a previous version of setup.exe, v2.769, and, aside from
the warning that the setup.ini file is from a newer version of setup, it
worked fine.

Is setup v2.772 broken?

Kind regards,

I will bet more on BLODA. I already saw something like that in the past
in an old version when downloading the mirror list.


Hi Ken,
I just noted the same error with 2.772 when downloading from my site
that has only setup.ini and not setup.bz2.
Adding the setup.bz2 bypassed the crash, but crash on missing setup.bz2.sig ; usually I do not see it as I use setup -X that skips the signature check.

BLODA is still a possibility, I have Symantec installed; or there is subtle bug handling the missing files on the website


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