On 19/07/2012 18:44, Cliff Hones wrote:
On 19/07/2012 17:16, Aaron Schneider wrote:

Looking at /etc/profile.d/lang.csh
     if ( $?LC_ALL == 0 && $?LC_CTYPE == 0 && $?LANG == 0 ) setenv LANG 
`/usr/bin/locale -uU`

I wonder why in my system the setenv command does not exist:
$ setenv
-bash: setenv: command not found

and why the if structure is not followed
  if (test for true) then command ; fi

On the other side, /etc/profile.d/lang.sh seems to be ok.

I think you'll find the clue is the ".csh" extension.  That syntax is
for the C-shell, not bash.

-- Cliff

I can't find such csh or cshell on my system, I've searched from packages and I only see scsh, slsh, posh, mosh, tcsh, zsh, mksh that I don't have installed in my system any of them, unless csh comes with the system. How do I run the csh?

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