
I'm trying to use cygport to package up DLL's that are used as part of a set of 
perl packages.  The place that these are meant to be installed is under the 
perl site configuration 

Currently what happens is libtool munges the path to ../bin.  If I don't use 
cygport to do the installation, this means that the DLL's are installed into:  
This doesn't work as this location is not in the search path for perl's 

When you add cygport to the equation the files end up in:  /usr/bin
Again, this doesn't work as this isn't in the load path.

Anyone got any suggestions on how to achieve this?  Or alternatives other than 
the obvious - add the path to the search path.

When I stopped libtool from munging the path to have the ../bin in it, thinks 
broke.  I haven't tried to debug this one yet, but started looking for anyone 
that might have done this before and have suggestions on how to do it.

Hopefully someone out there has some helpful suggestions.


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