Ah.  I had assumed that this stuff was basically correct in the makefiles.  
Adding the -module to the appropriate libraries had the right outcome.

Thanks for your help!!

Now if only I could post to the cygwin-apps list.  Currently nothing gets 
on that one.  Assume moderated and requires email approved or something.

On 04/09/2012, at 5:12 PM, Yaakov (Cygwin/X) wrote:

> On Tue, 2012-09-04 at 16:55 +1000, Mark O'Keefe wrote:
>> I don't have link errors, I have perl runtime errors when trying to execute 
>> the
>> bootstrap of the C code for the modules.  This is caused by the DLL's not 
>> being
>> in the expected place.  They were in /usr/bin and this is not in the search 
>> path
>> for the DynaLoader so it doesn't load the library.
> Which, since it sounds as this is an autotools-driven package, would be
> caused by a missing "-module" flag in the corresponding *_la_LDFLAGS.
> It won't cause a link error (only on Darwin is there a structural
> difference with or without), but it does affect where the DLL is
> installed on PE platforms, as you see here.
> Furthermore, since -module is missing, that means the module library
> name must start with "lib" (since automake would complain otherwise).
> The resulting DLL will start with "cyg" instead, meaning that whatever
> is loading this module needs to be edited appropriately.
> Yaakov
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