On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 09:37:54PM +0100, Lars Bj?rndal wrote:
>On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 04:24:55PM -0200, Damian Rodriguez Sanchez wrote:
>> Hello list,
>> I have compiled a Linux ncurses gcc application on Cygwin. Everything works
>> fine except for curs_set(0) calls which do not hide the cursor on text mode
>> terminals (they work on X though). Does anybody know of a way to achieve
>> this, even if it's not a portable solution? 
>Please don't hide the cursor in a text interface. That will make the
>app impossible or difficult to use with technology like a screen reader
>or braille output. Instead, ensure that the cursor is following the
>soft cursor. Then, the program is accessible to more people.

Come on now.  There is no reason for you to care what someone does with
their private application.

The OP was reporting a potential bug which, if it is really a bug, should
be fixed.  They don't need to lecture them on UI design.


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